
Thursday 17 July 2014

A Piece of Cake Designs Kit Layout

Recently APOCD had a sale on so I grabbed a couple of the Cupcake kits (I was too slow for the Main kits!), love them!

I've been pushed for time lately but wanted to whip up a quick layout just for fun and the cupcake kit was perfect for that! 20 minutes, a few extra bits from my stash and I was done. Simple but cheerful!

Until next time
~ Belle x

Sunday 13 July 2014

D-Lish Scraps 5th Birthday Challenge 4

I'm loving the rainbow craze lately but didn't go with the traditional rainbow look, just a bunch of colours throughout my layout! I was also inspired by the polka dots in the image on the right of the moodboard.

My take:

(Argh so difficult photographing as you can see!)

Until next time
~ Belle x

D-Lish Scraps 5th Birthday Challenges- Challenge No. 6

Haven't done any challenges in the last couple of months but when I saw a few people I follow had been attempting them I went accross to D-Lish Scraps 5th Birthday Challenges to have a little look. And thought I should have a go, what better way to get my mojo going (so I can finally attempt this years SM Masters challenges!) than with a quick challenge right?

Loved the Scrap Bingo challenge, I used the middle row, coincidentally the same one Ros used in her example. A few hearts to be found on my layout, a fabric flower and plenty of floral paper, a pretty plastic bow as well as a twine one, an altered wooden bird (painted magenta) and of course a doily. A very feminine page.

Shame the weather has been so shocking here in my part of Victoria recently, photographing layouts is proving exceptionally difficult. (Anyone have lighting that they use to combat this, I'd love some recs/suggestions?). So you'll have to excuse the recent badly photographed layouts I've just been taking quick shots with my iphone to upload.

I love this photo of my young cousins. I took a few shots of them, including this one, during my stepsisters wedding (between the ceremony at the reception) in the pretty gardens at the venue. They're such beautiful girls, inside and out.

Thanks for looking.

Until next time,
~ Belle x