Wordfind Canvas

Thursday, 26 January 2012

So, I thought I'd get the ball rolling and post right away (Secretly, I just looked back and realised I haven't posted since 2010 so I have a lot of catching up to do!). I love pinterest, honestly who doesn't these days, and I think I saw the idea for this on there long ago, before I knew how to pin! When I decided I hated the lime green accents in our loungeroom and chose to change them to blue, the first thing that had to go was the lime green canvas that I'd decorated with photos years ago.

I decided arty was the way to go, no more photos on the canvas, we have plenty of frames we were given for the wedding. So, I remembered seeing this cute word find style canvas a while ago, and decided to give it a go. I did mine fairly messily intentionally, I like homemade things that look homemade! Could have been better (I think I might have done it too messy but oh well, I can redo it eventually) but I quite like it. So, without further ado:

Thanks for looking
<3 Belle xx


Firstly, a big hello to anyone who still happens to be subscribing to this from when I actually used this blog! I swore eventually I would get back here, and finally I intend to put a little effort in. I don't scrapbook anywhere near as much as I used to, but I have been trying to get back into it. I still have goals and am now aiming for the first: get published in a scrapbook magazine! Might as well aim fairly high hey?

Along with scrapping and photography I've been doing a little re-decorating at home. It's a little difficult living in a rental. I hate the flooring, paint colour and a lot of other things I can't change! But I have been doing what I can, finding a few bits from the op-shop to revamp (though I stupidly forgot to take before photos, clearly I'm not in the blogging frame of mind yet!) & made some cushion covers (because I was to fussy to like any that actually already existed).

So, I promise that in 2012 I will actually post here: both my scrapbook creations and my home ones. And my wedding photos when I get them (did I mention I got married in December??)

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